New yard director at Vard Brattvaag
Arnt Inge Gjerde has been appointed as the new yard director at Vard Brattvaag. Arnt Inge is also yard director at Vard Søviknes and are now leading both shipyards.
29. November 2022

A solid leader
The two shipyards are geographically close to each other and have had a good collaboration for many years.
- We are very pleased that Arnt Inge has taken on the responsibility for the two yards in Sunnmøre. We know him as a solid leader with great credibility both among our employees and customers and we look forward to further developing our yards, says Erik Hellan Sandnes, COO for the business area Offshore and Specialized Vessels in VARD.
Arnt Inge Gjerde has been yard director at Vard Søviknes since 2020. He started at the yard as an apprentice in Industrial Machine Operation and Maintenance in 2000 and took the apprenticeship examination in 2002. He then started as an industrial mechanic at the yard. He later took further education at Technical Vocational School in Ålesund, and has had various areas of responsibility at the yard.
One company - many career opportunities
Arnt Inge is a good example of how many career opportunities one can have within the same company. In VARD, Arnt Inge has, among other things, been a supervisor, project coordinator assistant, production coordinator, department manager in the machinery department, assistant production manager as well as project manager for the construction of several advanced vessels.
- I am very grateful for the opportunity and the trust, and I look forward to getting to know the team in Brattvaag even better. This gives us a unique opportunity to work closer between the yards and to learn from each other, while at the same time we can share resources in an ever greater extent to achieve a more even workload. In the new year and towards the summer, it will be hectic at both yards, and we have a lot of exciting projects to work on. Shipbuilding is teamwork - something that we in VARD are good at, says Arnt Inge.